Anointing with the Angels
Western magic and botanical alchemy meet in the angelic realms. Here are a few angels - and a few plants - for protection and spiritual awakening.
On January 23rd, I’ll be sharing a live 90-minute work on angel magic and anointing ceremonies. This will be recorded, so no worries if you can’t join live.
Members of our paid community will receive complementary access to this workshop! Upgrade now, or simply click the button below to purchase a one-time spot :)
Angels are divine beings who offer us healing, protection, guidance, and blessings.
Though I’ve always loved and felt connected to the angelic realms, it wasn’t until a few years ago, when I encountered Damien Echols’s teachings on Western Angel Magick that I discovered how profound ritualized practice with specific archangels can be…
Many cultures throughout the world use wheels or circles to impart teachings on the nature of reality — the cycles of nature and seasons, the directions, and the elements appear on circles from Native American medicine wheels to the Celtic Wheel of the year.
In Western Magic, the image of a circle is also used. For each direction, there is a color (these change a bit depending on who you ask), an element, and a guardian archangel.
Here’s relatively simplified overview of these 6 magical angels:
Guardian of the East: Archangel Raphael
Archangel of Healing and Renewal
Color: Green, symbolizing growth, renewal, and life
Element: Air, associated with clarity, inspiration, and breath
Symbol: Caduceus, a healing staff with intertwined serpents
Role: Guardian of health and healing, both physical and emotional
Guardian of the South: Archangel Michael
Archangel of Protection and Courage
Color: Blue, for calm strength, and divine truth
Element: Fire, a catalyst for courage, transformation, and purification
Symbol: Flaming sword, for cutting through fear and offering divine protection
Role: Defender against harm and negativity, provider of courage during challenges
Guardian of the West: Archangel Gabriel
Archangel of Messages and Intuition
Color: White, symbolizing purity and divine inspiration
Element: Water, for intuition, communication, and emotions
Symbol: Chalice, for receptivity to divine messages
Role: Messenger of divine guidance, awakener of creativity and intuition
Guardian of the North: Archangel Uriel
Archangel of Grounding and Wisdom
Color: Red, symbolizing strength, vitality, and groundedness
Element: Earth, a sign of steadiness and wisdom through experience
Symbol: Pentagram, for higher wisdom, protection, and physical abundance
Role: Provider of grounded insight, guide through difficult decisions
In addition to these four cardinal angels of the vertical plane, Echols brings in guardian angels for above and below, as well:
Guardian of the Below: Sandalphon
Sandalphon both guards the space below and attunes our frequency to the crystalline grid of the earth. His colors are earth tones, turquoise, and metallics. I often see brown, gold, or even crystalline white in my third eye when Sandalphon is present. He sometimes appears with a musical instrument…something I interpret as a sign of his ability to work with frequency.
Color: Earth tones, for soil, plants, and roots
Symbol: Crystalline grid, the Earth’s energetic network
Role: Sandalphon represents the bridge between heaven and earth, grounding divine intentions into the physical world
Guardian of Above: Metatron
Metatron both guards the space above and attunes our frequency to divine wisdom. His colors are purple, gold, silver, and white. His symbol is Metatron’s Cube, a form of sacred geometry that contains all the building blocks of matter itself.
Color: Purple, Gold, and Silver for divine connection and enlightenment
Symbol: Sacred geometry, especially Metatron’s Cube a symbol of cosmic order
Role: Guide to higher consciousness, channel for spiritual transformation.
An Angelic Ritual for Healing and Protection
In my personal practice, I’ve long invoked these six powerful angels for protection—especially before engaging in any kind of spiritual practice.
After years of simply calling in the angels and feeling their guardian presences, however, a new more advanced ritual with them was revealed to me during a channeled session—one for both healing as well as protection.
I’ve shared this ritual with small groups before, and everyone has had powerful experiences. I’m super excited to share it LIVE with your first quarterly workshop of the year!
Attendees will not only receive a recording of the ritual, but will also get a PDF with written instructions after class :)
The Healing Essence of Angelic Botanicals
Plants have always been a part of spiritual practice. Their fragrances, essences, and vibrations resonate with both physical and divine realms, making them natural bridges between the two.
Strengthening our connection with angelic realms is no exception. Here, sacred botanicals serve as conduits, helping us attune to these high frequency energies.
I feel like the spirits take turns asking me to serve as a vessel for their aromatic essences to be birthed through. Usually, a deity will start appearing in my dreams, or their name will keep popping up in my reading.
(I remember how insistant Oshun was! She came to my dreams, showed up in my client work, appeared in Facebook scroll holes, was mentioned in random YouTubes…she really wanted a perfume and it needed notes of rose, cinnamon, and honey! You can find it here.)
When it was time for the angels to come forward, they very clearly told me to create oils rather than the perfumes I usually make. I have to say, these oils came through so perfectly and beautifully I really do feel like I channeled them.
They are so special. I mean…really. I want to cry tears of gratitude when I think about them.
The angel oils are filled with sacred, rare, and very precious botanicals—white lotus, black current, lemon balm, tuberose, raspberry leaf, and more—that align our frequencies with those of the angels.
When applied directly to your skin, these oils become portals for divine angelic transmissions and greatly impact the potency of angel magick and ritual.
4 Sacred Oils
When I meditated on the creation of my own angelic oils, the angels and plants instructed me to create a base of four sacred oils:
A flower with a complex history and chemical profile to match, rose carries an extremely high vibration. Its scent opens the heart to unconditional love and compassion, yet maintains the healthy boundaries that allow this love to blossom.
When I practice angelic mediumship, I’m often overwhelmed with what I can only describe as a love beyond words. It’s like love but more than love — because it almost feels as if nothing other than love even exists. So how could I feel any other way? How could I name all that is?
It’s not easy to access this state as a mere mortal, but rose gets us closer. Of course then, this was the first essence requested by the angels for their oils.
And not just any frankincense — frankincense sacra, or “sacred” frankincense. A resin revered since ancient times, frankincense carries the vibration of protection, purification, and spiritual ascension.
One of the gifts brought by the wisemen upon the birth of Christ, frankincense is well known to the angels. And I think something in our own DNA remembers how precious this resin is…have you ever smelled frankincense? It’s amazing.
I’m probably biased here — ritually burning frankincense resin has helped me navigate some of my most challenging times of life. But truly, when I smell this resin, I’m immediately shifted into a state of centered awareness, one where true spiritual connection becomes my natural state.
This warm, woody scent is treasured for its ability to still the mind and deepen spiritual focus. One of the most sacred trees throughout Asian cultures, its vibrations carry us into deep, meditative states.
Sandalwood always takes me back to my time living in Japan. I spent five years teaching at a university in Tokyo and visited countless temples (because they are tucked away everywhere!) during my time there. Whenever I would walk into a temple and smell the fragrant sandalwood incense perfuming the air, I felt at home. (I still burn sandalwood incense most mornings.)
The angels wanted the soothing stillness and sacredness that sandalwood brings to this blend — and the aroma. It’s a staple of true, natural perfumery. For these oils, I used Australian sandalwood, which is the most sustainable choice for this precious wood.
As if I wasn’t going to include angelica in my oils for angels!
As its name suggests, angelica has long been associated with angelic protection and healing. Its light, herbaceous aroma creates a sense of upliftment and connection to higher realms.
Named for its association with angels, folklore holds that angelica was revealed to humans by an angel during a plague as a protective remedy. During the Middle Ages, monks cultivated it in monastery gardens, using it in remedies for illnesses believed to have spiritual origins. Others cite the name as being associated with Archangel Michael in particular, as the flowers bloom near his feast day in May.
(But even outside of these Christian traditions, angelica was known as a protective ally, one not uncommonly found in witches gardens, too!)
The Art of Angelic Anointing
Anointing with oils is one of humanity’s oldest spiritual practices. Across cultures, the act of anointing has symbolized consecration, protection, and transformation. But beyond their ceremonial significance, sacred oils hold vibrational properties that resonate with the spiritual and emotional planes. These vibrations can amplify our prayers, align our energy, and invite higher beings—such as the angels—into our presence.
A Simple Practice
I find that whatever your intentions, anointing the heart will better attune you to them. When connecting with angels, a heart-centered ritual is especially appropriate.
As with any spiritual practice, begin by making your space a sacred and safe one. Simply visualizing yourself in a room or bubble of golden light, and intending that only compassionate and loving energy is welcome, is enough for this little anointing ritual.
Decide which angelic being you would like to connect with. Hold the associated angel oil under your nose and inhale deeply. Begin to notice how the scent affects your body, energy, and feeling state.
(If you don’t have an angel oil, choose one of the oils from above or trust your intuition on what aroma is a good match for your intentions.)
Place a few drops of the associated angel oil in the palm of your hand. Using your index and middle finger, anoint your heart. Hold your fingers over your heart center for about a minute, perhaps creating small circles with gentle pressure.
(Oil will stain your clothes, so be careful during this part. A little bit goes a long way.)
Breath in and out through your heart center, noticing how it feels to have the vibrational essence of these aromatics enter into your body. Then know exactly where to go and how to attune you to this practice, so you can allow yourself to receive.
In a meditative state, say a prayer to your angel. You can ask for a specific healing or more general angelic blessings.
Then, take time to notice how you feel. How does your body and energy field respond to this practice? Do any visuals appear in your mind’s eye? What thoughts, inspirations, or sensations arise?
When you feel complete, offer your thanks. Leave the oil on and enjoy the connection with spirit the subtle fragrance brings you until it fades away.
Let go of your visualizations and return awareness to your body and the present moment. You may like to ground a bit after this, as it’s quite powerful. Going for a walk outside or eating a few nuts and drinking water can be supportive.
This is just a wee little taste of the angelic plant practices we’ll be diving into during this month’s workshop.
Remember, you can join for as little as $5 by becoming a paid subscriber! Keep an eye out for more, as I’ll be sharing your discount code soon :)
If you want to enhance your practice with angel oils, order by January 15th! You can get the full set, or choose a favorite angel or two to connect with.
The full set is on sale now through January 23rd.
Which angels resonate with you most? I’d love to hear in the comments :)