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It is so interesting that you mention that we are not able to operate spiritually as we have in the past due to the levels of foreign matter and debris. I recently was guided that I cannot possibly survive( or even help) by processing the level of shadow that I am in currently and I was told that the only way from now on is to channel the earth energy for everyone to the best of my ability. Her grace, love and beauty. I was told to specifically also pray and invoke the spirits of the land I am connected to in every moment of my day to the best of my ability. I saw it as a direct instruction that holding the resonance of the earth is going to do far more good right now than anything else I could do. I also have recently understood that consciousness itself IS technology. And so anything with consciousness is an instrument of technology. I cannot yet even imagine what that means in terms of how we think about technology in the future and how it will change but my sense is that the essence of it itself will change dramatically. Anytime you want to talk astrology or consciousness or anything else I’m in! 😀

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